Call Response
Call Response

Call Response

Where is the Call Response Explorer located in the App?

To view your Call Response Time Data, go to Communication ➡️ Call Response.


What Is Call Response?

Amper’s Call Response Dashboard helps you drill down into your data by viewing graphs with customizable groupings and filters to uncover previously hidden trends and insights. It helps you track which team members respond to Operator Calls and understand how quickly your team responds.

With this tool, you can see:

  • Average calls for each team or individual!
  • Which teams are getting called the most?
  • How many calls are getting acknowledged and resolved?
  • How long to Acknowledge and resolve calls on average?
  • How are my resolution times trending?

Download CSV

You can download a CSV of the data to make your own pivot tables and charts!

Or talk to your Customer Success Engineer about Custom ReportsCustom Reports!

See Below for an Example Call Response Excel Download👇

Call log.xlsx9.1KB