Late Starts Early Stops
Late Starts Early Stops

Late Starts Early Stops

Where is the Late Starts Early Stops page Located?

You can find this report under Dashboards ➡️ Late Starts Early Stops.

There is no cross-filtering in this report

The purpose of this report is to analyze your late starts and early stops on your machines. Late Starts and Early Stops are measures of time that Amper calculates based on when production first starts or last ends within a given shift.

You can set your own thresholds for when you consider production to have started/stopped. We call this Time to Break Idle. This is the amount of green continuous production time that needs to happen to stop the idle time at the beginning of the shift or start the idle time at the end of the shift.

How is this used:

  • Late Start - Late Start is the start of the shift to the point where we’ve seen enough continuous production to call the machine “running”.
  • Early Stop - Early Stop is the last continuous production time to the shift end time.

That can be set as a factory default and/or overridden by machine-specific settings, under “Machine Settings”.

Machine level configurations will supersede the factory-level one.

Here is what the report will look like!


Amper Recommends…

  • Set up a weekly report of the last 30 days to review how your trends are going
    • Great for Operations Managers and GMs
  • Set up a daily report of yesterday to address any immediate concerns - see your top and bottom performers from yesterday
    • Great for Supervisors (You can filter by machine or cell that each supervisor wants to see)

See Below for a Example Late Starts Early Stops PDF 👇

Example Late Starts Early Stops.pdf552.8KB