Plans Generate Task Suggestions
A Plan's cadence can be calendar-based, usage-based, or non-recurring. A Plan with a usage-based cadence can ONLY be applied to Amper connected assets.
For a given plan, you can specify 4 different costs:
- Materials
- Labor
- Downtime
- Other
Those costs can be overwritten on a specific Task. So, for example, if the cost of oil for one machine costs 2 times as much as it does for another machine, you can specify that in the Task when you perform the work for that specific machine.
“Don’t Require Approval” Plan Setting
Sometimes maintenance activities require approval and scheduling, and other times they don’t - that’s a fact! We’ve made it easier to get maintenance done for pre-approved activities.
Plans can now be configured to not require approval in the Maintenance Schedule. When plans generate suggestions, you will be able to view, edit, and complete them without the need for a Maintenance Manager or other team member to first approve them.
This saves the person scheduling maintenance activities tons of time!
How to Turn on this Setting
Tasks Screen, Outposts and Scoreboards
When the Don’t Require Approval setting is checked ☑️, the suggestions will automatically populate on the Tasks view, Outposts & Scoreboards. These suggested tasks will appear alongside other tasks and function the same way.
If this box is not checked ⏹️, suggestions will still need to be approved and converted into a real task before they show up in the Tasks view, or on Outposts & Scoreboards.
They will still appear and provide the same functionality regardless of how the Don’t Require Approval setting is configured.
Providing Last Completed
When you create a Plan
, you need to provide the last time that activity was done for every machine. This information, combined with the frequency will allow Amper to suggest when the maintenance activity should be done next.
On the Plans
page, you'll see a list appear when there are records that don't have a last completed date. Until that date is provided, Amper can't generate suggestions
For example, if the frequency is "every 100 hours" and you did the maintenance activity a month ago, we would use the elapsed time along with the machine's historic utilization to predict when to schedule your next maintenance event.
- Plan A has a Cadence Value of "Every 100 Hours"
- Machine 1 is associated with this plan and averages 50% uptime.
- Machine 1 has had 50 hours of uptime since the last time a task for Plan A was completed, therefore 50 hours are remaining.
- Using the historical data of Machine 1 (avg. 50% uptime every day), we can forecast that the remaining 50 usage hours will take 100 clock hours.
- The suggestion then will be for the current time + 100 hours.
Ad-Hoc Work, Using "Non-Recurring" Plans
All Tasks
must be tied to a Plan
. For Tasks
that do not have an expected frequency, label the type as Non-Recurring
If you have a task that doesn't necessarily belong to a specific Plan
, you can make a generic Plan and call it Ad Hoc or General Maintenance Task. Over time, you may want to create a couple different non-recurring Plans to make things easier and better organized. For example, you could create a Plan for CNC Emergency Repair, Facility Maintenance, Eyewash Repair, etc.