Where is it?
Click on your name at the top right corner ➡️ Settings ➡️ Tally Sheet Settings
There are three basic "classes" of fields: Standard, Job, and Custom. Custom are, obviously, custom, Job Fields are those fields that are specific to a job available on all tally sheets, Standard Fields contains Operator, which can span across multiple jobs and tally sheets.
Standard Fields
The Standard fields consists of Operator.
Job Fields
The Job Fields are Name (Job Name), Work Order, Part, Target Cycle Time, Target End Date, Target Part Count, Target Utilization.
- You may choose to have these fields required for each Tally Sheet or Hidden
Custom Fields
To create a custom field, first click “Add Field” at the top. A form will pop up to define the custom field.
- Name the field
- Select the field type
- Select if the field should be shown for certain machine groups or machines.
- Choose if the field is Required (It must be filled out on a Tally Sheet to be able to submit the sheet)
- Choose if the field is Hidden (It exists, but you can not see it on a Tally Sheet - Often used for ERP integrations)
- Provide Allowed Values if needed. When specified, the field turns in to a dropdown and users can only pick what’s been provided.
- Fields appear in the order they’re provided.
- You can paste a comma-delimited list in the text box to auto-fill the entries below if you’ve got a lot of options to include!
Rules of Custom Fields
It is important to ensure that each field has a unique name. The app has built-in safeguards that prevent the creation of two custom fields with the same name, as well as blocking the use of a Standard field name as a custom field name (e.g., "Part" cannot be used as a custom field name).
Deleting and recreating a field using the same name will not create a duplicate field, but will instead bring back the old field. This rule is in place to maintain the uniqueness of field names and to preserve historic data in case of accidental deletion.
Fortunately, you can easily change the name of a field without losing its historic data. For instance, renaming "Purchase Order ID" to "PID" will not affect any old Purchase Order IDs and they will still appear in the csv.
Fields appear in the order they’re provided. You can paste a comma-delimited list in the text box to auto-fill the entries below if you’ve got a lot of options to include! 🐇
Other Options
Hide Part Counts: In some applications you may not want your operators to enter part counts. You may choose to hide these options on the operator interface.
Target Cycle Time Measure Unit: The app default is seconds per piece, but some customers may want to use minutes or hours to determine cycle times.
Jobs: there are a number of options for jobs in the tally sheet settings as well.