Where is the Downtime page Located?
You can find this report under Dashboards ➡️ Downtime.
This report does include cross-filtering.
What is in the Downtime Page?
- Counts of Downtime Reasons
- Downtime Hours/Percentages for both main and sub-reasons
- Total downtime hours by date
- Downtime hours by machine, shift, machine cell, operator, or part
- Downtime hours by date, machine and reason
- Downtime Pareto
The Downtime dashboard is great tool to uncover what downtimes are impacting you and your team the most.
Amper Recommends…
- Using this report to identify Continuous Improvement projects
- Set up engineers or continuous improvement specialists to receive this report monthly
See Below for a Example Downtime PDF 👇
Example Downtime.pdf1909.9KB