Release Date: June 2023
Check out the video below for how to use Hour-by-Hour boards!
Traditionally, hour by hour board utilizes paper or a whiteboard to visualize production information for a shift. Amper now has a digital representation of a traditional hour-by-hour board.
Our Hour-By-Hour Board display:
by Machine
by Hour
- Status
- Targets
- Parts
- Jobs
- Machine State
How do I get it?
Speak with your Customer Success Engineer!
Once the feature is enabled, go to Visibility → Hour by Hour
Displaying Hour by Hour
Simply click on the Machine.
A new window will display that machine’s Hour by Hour Board.
Displaying a Rotating Board Cycling Multiple Machines
Setting up Rotation
The Rotation Speed drop-down allows users to choose how many seconds each board will be displayed.
Displaying Groups of Machines
You can display Machine Groups with Groups drop-down.
You can choose individual machines as well with the Machines for Rotating drop-down.
Launch Board(s)
To launch a rotating Hour by Hour board with your selections, click on the Launch icon.
Anatomy of an Hour-By-Hour Board
1 board shows the trailing 24 hours for the selected machine.
When a shift, operator, or part is changed on a respective tally sheet, a new header will appear for those changes.
Top 3 Downtime show downtimes that account for the most time on that machine until now.
Part numbers, quantity, and scrap come from Tally Sheets and Jobs.
Hourly Block
Machine Status: is the colored vertical line that shows the machine state for each hour, the same color scheme as a typical scoreboard.
Parts: Come from Tally Sheets and Jobs.
Pcs/Min: Pieces per min are calculated based on cycle time and parts entered.
Cycle: Actual Cycle time is from the machine and targets are from parts or jobs.
Utz: Represents machine utilization.
Downtime Summary: Displays the top downtime for each hour.