Features: Hardware Settings Page
Release Date: October 2023
Previously, Amper's hardware screen focused on analog aggregators and limited hardware configuration within the app. We're changing that by making the entire hardware page more machine-centric. Now, customers can configure ALL types of hardware through the app. They can define their machines, associate utilization and part counting hardware, and complete all configuration steps without the need for excel sheets or constant email exchanges. Our goal is to make the installation and configuration process easier and faster.
How do I get it?
This will be released to all users as a replacement for the current hardware screen. There is no opt-in process for the new hardware screen.
To access the settings, click on your name in the top right corner of the screen and select "Settings". From there, navigate to the "Hardware" section.
How do I use it?
As a new customer, the first time you access the Hardware screen, no machines or hardware will be listed on the screen yet. You’ll see a list of unused gateways and aggregators that you’ll be able to choose from when creating machines, but you’ll need to start the process by defining each machine and their configurations.
Each machine will be shown with its corresponding aggregators and gateways being used to connect them to Amper.
Begin by selecting the New Machine button at the top of the screen.
Utilization Configuration
Once the New Machine button has been selected, you’ll be prompted to begin the utilization configuration process.
- Enter the desired machine name, machine type, and make/model.
- Select the aggregator ID.
- Select the gateway ID.
- Select the checkbox if the machine relies on machine power.
- Select the port(s) on the aggregator that will be used for utilization and enter a brief description of the signal. The description is required when using multi-sensor with an analog aggregator.
- The additional information section is optional but can be filled out to speed up the calibration process. This section will also vary depending on whether a digital or analog aggregator has been selected.
Select whether the machine is a simple on/off and enter any other relevant information.
Select whether the machine’s signal is high or low during production and any other relevant information.
- When the form is completely filled out, hit Save.
Once saved, the new machine will appear within the hardware screen. Each machine will contain two tabs below the machine name: Utilization and Part Count.
Follow the stoplights within the Utilization tab to ensure your hardware is properly installed and configured.
There will be up to 5 stoplights depending on aggregator type.
If a stoplight is green, this indicates success and that no further action is required for that step.
If the stoplight is red or yellow, this indicates that something is not working as expected and requires action. Troubleshooting steps will be provided depending on the stoplight and status. Continue to take corrective action until the stoplight is green.
If the stoplight is grey, this means that the prior steps have not been completed and Amper cannot yet determine a status.
Part Count Configuration
Once utilization is configured, you can select to add an automated part count configuration.
- Click the Part Count tab underneath the machine name (next to the utilization tab) to access an existing or create a new part count configuration.
- Click on the ➕ to begin a new part count configuration.
- Select the Digital Aggregator from the drop down
- Select the Gateway.
- Select the input.
- Select the count type (total, good, scrap).
- Select whether the default signal is high or low.
- Once the form is completely filled out, hit Save.
Once saved, the new configuration will appear within the Part Count tab within that machine.
Follow the stoplights within the part count tab to ensure your hardware is properly installed and configured.
There will be 2 stoplights.
If a stoplight is green, this indicates success and that no further action is required for that step.
If the stoplight is red or yellow, this indicates that something is not working as expected and requires action. Troubleshooting steps will be provided depending on the stoplight and status. Continue to take corrective action until the stoplight is green.
If the stoplight is grey, this means that the prior steps have not been completed and Amper cannot yet determine a status.
Edit Configurations
To edit the details of the configuration, click on the pencil icon to re-open the configuration modal. This can be done for either utilization or part counting.
Make any desired changes and hit Save.
If changes to the aggregator and gateway are changed, you may need to follow the steps at each stoplight to ensure they’re all still green.
Delete Machines or Configurations
To delete a machine or configuration, click the trash icon.
If you choose to delete the utilization configuration, this will delete the entire machine and any Part Count configurations attached to it.
You may also delete part count configurations. Each part count configuration type can be deleted separately. This will not delete the entire machine.
Report Issues
If unexpected behavior is occurring with a machine, e.g. downtime when the machine is actually in production, issues can be reported directly from the Hardware page.
- Select Report Issue next to the machine name to report an issue to Amper.
- Enter the start and end dates and times that the potential issue occurred.
- Select the issue from the Common Issues drop down. If your issue does not appear in this list, select Other.
- Enter more details in the Describe your issue text box.
- Once the form is complete, select Submit.
This will generate a support ticket that will be sent to Amper’s support team.
View Raw Signal + Part Count Data
To view raw signal data for utilization or part count data, click on Input Details below the machine’s name.
Select the Utilization tab within the Input Details page to view the raw signal data for utilization.
The types and amount of charts shown will be dependent on the configuration. If you have a single sensor, you will see one signal chart. If you have multi-sensor, you will see multiple charts. If you are using a digital aggregator, you’ll also see a digital state change chart.
View Amps Over Time by port.
Part Count
Select the Part Count tab within the Input Details page to view the raw data for part counts.
View Amps over time by port and count type.
Also view raw part counts, including time between parts. Filter by start and end times and part count types.
This data can also be downloaded as a CSV file.
MAC Addresses
If you are using Wifi Gateways, MAC addresses can be downloaded by pressing the Download MAC Addresses button in the top right corner of the hardware screen.
The downloaded file will provide a list of all Gateway codes and their respective MAC addresses.