Where is the Operator Performance page Located?
You can find this report under Dashboards ➡️ Operator Performance.
There is no cross-filtering in this report
What is the Operator Performance Page?
- Production hours and utilization by operator
- Downtimes logged per operator
- Earned Hours per operator
With these sections used together, you can truly gauge all aspects of an operators performance throughout the day-to-day and over time.
Amper Recommends…
- Set up your filters and schedule a weekly delivery of this report to your operations team. This is great for weekly accountability and even operator incentive programs
- You can set up your filters to only show “unlabeled” downtime and see which operators need to improve their labeling
- Some customers want to track paid labor utilization and want to give operators “credit” for things like “break/lunch” or “setup”. You can set your filters to include these if you so choose
See Below for a Example Operator Performance PDF 👇
Example Operator Performance.pdf167.7KB