Where is the Part Performance page Located?
You can find this report under Dashboards ➡️ Part Performance.
This report does include cross-filtering.
What is the Part Performance Page?
- Uncapped Performance by part
- Part counts, Scrap counts, and Cycle times, target and actual
- Part performance by date
- A pie-chart breakdown of production vs downtime to be analyzed by part
With these sections, you're able to understand the actual performance of parts across your facility to understand true job costing.
Amper Recommends…
- As needed for analysis, set up your filters and click through the report to review part performance.
- Use information from this report to find your top performers and lowest performers. Update target cycle times in your ERP and optimize routings to get accurate production predictions and quotes.
- Set up a weekly report to product engineers to keep the ERP up to date.
- Use right the click “drill-in” tool to see other dimensions for each part such as, machine, operator, date ran, shift…etc.
See Below for a Example Part Performance PDF 👇
Example Part Performance.pdf198.9KB