Where is the Setups page Located?
You can find this report under Dashboards ➡️ Setups.
There is no cross-filtering in this report
What is in the Setups page?
You’ll find the following sections of information in our Setups dashboard:
- Open Setups
- Setup History
- Setup Status by Dimension
- Total Time by Setup
- Step Performance by Operator
With these sections used together you’ll be able to gain insight and understanding into how many setups are being done in a given period of time and how long those setups are taking.
Amper Recommends…
- Set up a daily email of this report to see all the open, paused and completed setups
- Use this report over multiple weeks to see how long your setups are taking and which steps take the longest
- This report would be a great start to begin a SMED Event
- Each month, run this report to see how long setups are taking vs how long they should be taking to update your ERP and routings