Where is the Utilization Summary Located?
You can find this under Dashboards ➡️ Utilization Summary.
There is no cross-filtering in this report
What is the Utilization Summary?
The utilization summary is a great place to get a glance at your utilization over a period of time. You can filter by certain machines, operators, part numbers, and shifts, making this report super dynamic!
- Utilization by Week trended throughout the year
- Utilization by Machine
- Utilization by Machine Cells
- Utilization by Shift
- Utilization by Operator
- Utilization by Part
- Utilization by week by machine for the year
With these sections used together you're able to investigate utilization about anything and everything in your facility.
Watch the video below 👇 to see an overview of the Utilization Summary.
*Note that some charts and screens may look a little different in the app today as they've been updated since the recording of this video
Amper Recommends…
- Use this report if you want to see a breakdown of your Utilization data by machine, operator, part, date…etc.
- We recommend setting up monthly reports with this page
- Use right the click “drill-in” tool to see other dimensions for each part such as, machine, operator, date ran, shift…etc.
See Below for a Example Executive Summary PDF 👇
Example Utilization Summary.pdf509.2KB