Introducing the Changeover Tracking Feature
We're excited to announce the new Changeover Tracking Feature in our app! This feature is designed to help you reduce the time it takes to transition from one job to the next. It allows you to see what jobs are going to be wrapping up soonest, which upcoming job you need to prepare for, and exactly what tasks have to be completed before you’re ready to start the job.
Components of the Changeover Tracking Feature
This feature is made up of three core components: the changeover scoreboard, the prep checklist, and the prep sign-off.
🥅 Changeover Scoreboard
The scoreboard gives you a snapshot of what jobs are currently in progress, what’s scheduled next, and the prep tasks required for a job to be ready to start. It displays information such as the state of the machine, details of the active job, and the prep status for the next job.
Simply click “Load Changeover Scoreboard” to see the scoreboard in action!
The Machine
column shows the name of each machine. The color signifies the state of the machine (green = production, yellow = idle, red = downtime, gray = disconnected)
The In Progress
column shows the details of the active job, such as job name, work order number, and part number. It will also show the Estimated Time Remaining or whether the job target has been met. If this column displays —
this means that there is no active job on that machine.
The Next Up
column shows the details of the job that’s scheduled next. The order of the job listed in the next up column is determined by 1. priority and 2. due date.
The Prep
column shows all items in the Prep Checklist, and whether they were completed or not, to determine the job readiness status. When a prep task is shown in red, it means that prep task is incomplete. Once that prep task is marked complete, it will be shown in black on the scoreboard.
The scoreboard will automatically rotate the machines displayed every 10 seconds.
You can load this scoreboard directly from the Jobs
page by clicking on Load Changeover Scoreboard
We hope you find this new feature useful in improving your changeover times and enhancing your overall productivity.