How many machines can I fit on each Scoreboard?
Generally speaking, you can fit about 20 machines on a screen. However, keep in mind that the more machines you have in a machine group, the less detailed data you will get on your Scoreboard.
If you want more details about each machine, we recommend you rotate several different machines.
- You can rotate multiple Scoreboards using the "Load Rotating Scoreboard" functionality:
What data shows up on my Scoreboards?
Scoreboard data with Tallysheets
A Scorecard displays what a Tallysheet collects. In order to get the most information from your Scoreboards, you need to use Tallysheets.
Scoreboards with all data filled out using Tallysheets will look like the below screenshot:
Scoreboard data with multiple Tally sheets
When multiple Tallysheets for different parts/operators are submitted, the most recent 2 Tallysheets within the shift will show up on the Scorecard. The more recent one will show up on top. You can tell them apart by the gray bars (aka the "bullet" bars) on top of the metrics. So in the screenshot below, there's a sheet that ran from 5:30 to 1:30, then at 1:30 the part and operator changed.
Scoreboard data with Operator & Part Data Only
If you're not using Tallysheets, your Scoreboards will show significantly less data.
If you're inputting part and operator assignments, but not using Tallysheets, your Scoreboards will look like the screenshot example below.
The example only shows the operator, but it would look the same for a part but the label would say Part instead of Personnel.
Scoreboard data with Utilization Data Only
If you're not using Tallysheets or inputting part assignments/operators, your Scoreboards will only show the basics (utilization & production hours). It will look like the screenshot below:
How to Read Scoreboards
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There are 2 types of Timelines displayed in a Scoreboard.
The first is Timeline is the same as other Timelines seen in the app but with a few aesthetic changes. This Timeline shows whether a machine is running (green), idol (yellow) or off (red), throughout a shift. See screenshot below.
The second is a non-machine Timeline and is displayed with a gray bar.
This shows the time that an operator has been on a machine and/or how long the machine has been running a part.
Metrics and Targets
Each number with a heading displayed on a Scorecard is considered a metric.
A metric will change color when a user has configured ‣ . That looks like this:
Right now there's only one target that can exist: Utilization-per-machine. Targets are currently color coded as follows:
- Less than 10% deviation from target: Green. For example, if your target is 50% utilization, this number will be green until you dip below 45%.
- Between 10% and 25% deviation from target: Yellow. For example, if your target is 80% utilization, the number will display as yellow between 72% and 60%.
- More than 25% deviation from target: Red. For example, if your target is 80% utilization, the number will display as red when it dips below 60%.
If the number is "over" your target, it will display as green.
Additionally, Good Parts will display as green and Scrap Parts will display as red.
Summary Stats
Every Scoreboard will display Summary Stats at the top. These will look familiar if you have ever used Amper's Scoreboard tool.
The summaries will show for a specific machine during a specific shift. Summaries include:
- Utilization
- Average Uptime
- Average Downtime Event
- Average Downtime Length
- Average Time to First Part.
Downtime Events
When downtime happens, the two reasons with the most total time are shown in a red "pill". In the example below, "Setup" and "Break/Lunch" are the top reasons for the most downtime.
The number indicator to the left shows the total number of downtime events that have occurred. So in this example, there are 3 total reasons for downtime during this shift. But we only see the top 2 reasons.
If there are unlabeled events, the indicator flashes. However, the indicator doesn't start flashing until things are left unlabeled for longer than 30 mins.
Call Teams
Scoreboards also show open calls!
What shows up?
- Only open calls will show on the scoreboards. They will not show resolved calls.
- All Unclaimed calls will show first, then they are sorted by time. So the #1 priority is the oldest, unclaimed call.
- Scoreboard real estate, as always, is hard.
- Depending on how many machines you put up and the size of the screen, when calls are open other info (like OEE metrics or downtime events) may start to get bumped off the screen.
- If there are multiple open calls, they will eventually run off the screen. You will always see the whole "bubble" for 2 calls (with a very long note being truncated and ending in
to represent the cut-off).
More examples below
When a Job is being worked on right now, it gets a different Scorecard. This happens automatically. Below, HAAS #5 is working on a Job, where OKUMA #1 is not
Here’s the “Job Scorecard” up close
On the Scoreboard
If you’re opted into scheduling, the scoreboard will also show you what job is coming up next.
Previously, the scoreboard just showed you how many upcoming jobs were Urgent and High Priority, but now we’ll also show you the name of the job that’s coming up next.
This can be found in the bottom right corner of each machine on the scoreboard.