Amper Adoption: The 3 C’s of Change Management

Amper Adoption: The 3 C’s of Change Management

Author: Michael Yep, Customer Success Engineer

Innovation. Progress. Continuous Improvement.


These are things that we all strive for, especially in the manufacturing industry. When it comes to actually making steps toward growth, why is change so difficult?

Here at Amper, we understand your goals for improving conditions and facilitating change. After all, by partnering with us, you are seeking to adopt Amper factory-wide to discover your true manufacturing potential.

However, we also understand just how difficult it can be to initiate change on a company-wide scale. The end goal is grand, but the process to get there can often be a long and frustrating road.

From our collective industry experience and the success stories from some of our customers, we have consolidated 3 factors that are imperative to accomplishing Change Management:

  1. Coordination
  2. Communication
  3. Commitment

👉 A downloadable PDF presentation outlining these concepts can be found at the end of this article.

The 3 C’s of Change Management

1. Coordination

This is the first step, and it starts with you—the Change Manager. The coordination we’re talking about here is the coordination of your internal justifications for change.

Before attempting to spark any change, it is absolutely necessary that you solidify what exactly you want to do, and why.

  • Define your goal
  • Justify the why
  • Recognize the potential impact

This means taking a step back and looking at your situation through a wider lens.

The most important point here is to identify your “why”. Knowing why you do something provides more motivation than simply setting a goal. If the “why” is not justified, then motivation will deteriorate and change will not happen.

Establish a justification for the time and energy you are about to ask of your team. There is a huge difference in the work to follow when you take the time to coordinate your reasons for change at the onset of your initiative. You will be confident in your goal because you will have a clear vision for the potential impact of this change.

Once you’ve done the internal work to define your goal, justify your “why”, and have recognized the potential impact of change, you will have to make a plan.

Create a Plan

Creating a success plan helps to consolidate your vision before any work is done. Once you get started on tackling your goal, it can be easy to lose sight of why you are doing it in the first place. Having a documented plan can be a practical way to stay motivated.

🗣️ Speak with your Customer Success Representative to help build your plan.

Customers that actively refer to this document with their Customer Success Managers have seen a larger pay off in their projects, as consistently referencing goals and KPIs provides motivation for projects.

Establish Milestones with Tasks and Timelines

Be sure to set milestones for next steps. Breaking down your big picture goal into achievable milestones will help keep you on track.

Provide Your Team with Necessary Resources

You will need the help of your team to accomplish the milestones for your goal, so provide them the resources they need to complete it. Listen to their input and suggestions, because collective problem solving not only widens the possibility of an ideal solution—but it gives each team member agency and a feeling of ownership in a project. While difficult to measure, this alone can greatly impact the willingness of someone to do their part, and do it well.

Next Steps

As a part of planning for change, you need to think about how to communicate this change to the rest of your organization. This transitions well into our second C of Change Management, as once you are coordinated on your goal and your plan, it is absolutely necessary to communicate it to everyone that the change will impact—and just as important to consider how the information is shared.

2. Communication

Now that you’ve established your goals, the “why”, and the potential impacts of your change initiative, you must communicate that to your organization and everyone that the change affects.

Share the “Why”

It happens often. The Change Manager establishes the plan but doesn’t fully communicate it to those that the change impacts. Your teams’ perspective and interpretations of your communication is important. It is natural as humans to ask why and fill in the gaps. So, instead of making your employees guess, share your “why” at the forefront of the change initiative.

When the goal, impact, and “why” are never communicated to the entire team—it becomes nearly impossible to adopt a new process, and any chance of culture change fails.

Be Clear About Outcomes & Expectations

Once you share the “why”, describe the potential impact of the change and be clear about what you are expecting the team to do.

When change happens, the questions that often follow are: “How is this going to affect me?” and “What do I need to do differently, if anything?”

If you can answer these questions from the start, it aligns the entire team toward the goals that were set during your coordination phase.

Provide Training

Equip your employees so they can do what you are asking of them. You can tell people what your goal is and what is expected of them, but as the Change Manager it is your responsibility to provide the resources and training necessary to create the culture and encourage the behavior you envision.

Establish an Audit Schedule/Period

Follow through and check in with the progress of the desired outcomes and expectations. If you tell people that you expect a new behavior from them, but never follow up on how they are experiencing the process, the goal and the “why” can easily disappear in the busyness of operations. By establishing structures around your initiative, you are reinforcing the change and setting processes to remind your team of the goal.

Be Available

You, as the Change Manager, carry a connection to the initiative. What do you think the perception of your team would be if you dropped a project on them but did not make yourself available for the actual change process? As a leader, it is your responsibility to not only establish vision but to champion the process. When you are confident in the change you are implementing and follow through with supporting your team, they become confident in the work they are doing toward your collective goals.

3. Commitment

Once you have coordinated the goal and communicated the vision to your team, the last piece is to maintain commitment to the change. Ultimately, commitment is a mindset that helps to sustain coordination and communication, but there are a few ways that you can create a culture of commitment across your organization.

Inform Your Employees of the Progress

Change takes time. It will be a process, so it is important to be transparent with the progress.

Set up structures and communication cadences to talk about the change initiative on a regular basis.

The Amper Data Playbook

This playbook walks you through how to use the True North Tracker.

Before you begin, check out this list of helpful definitions
  • KPIs (Key Performance Indicators): Ongoing metrics that measure general business health
  • Annual Goals: Targets set to improve or maintain KPIs. (Increasing, decreasing, controlling..etc). A goal should have a current state and an end state.
  • Quarterly Milestones: Smaller goals completed each quarter. Milestones are used to break the goals up into smaller, more digestible, parts.
    • Strategies: The “How”. A general statement explaining how teams will generate focus to move the needle on the quarterly milestones.
    • Key Results: The “What”. The Key Results show how you will measure success at the end of the quarter. Key Results can be milestones or they can be related to other Strategies.
  • Monthly Projects/Initiatives: Specific activities done each month to achieve quarterly milestones.
Using Amper to Set Annual Goals

Every year, the team should meet internally to set your company’s annual goals and determine True North KPIs. You can use your Amper data to determine these KPIs.

Example Amper KPIs

  • Utilization: This metric demonstrates how efficiently your machines are running. In some cases, you might want to break up overall utilization into Capacity and Performance Utilization.
    • Performance Utilization: Performance utilization doesn’t take into account downtime that is scheduled (like lunches, breaks or vacations). This metric takes out planned downtime to answer the question: “when we are scheduled to run, how well do we run?”
    • Capacity Utilization: This is the true up/down of a machine over a period of time. It considers everything: including scheduled downtime. Our customers typically start with an average Capacity Utilization of 28%.
  • Paid Labor Utilization: This metric helps you measure how well your labor is utilized. Essentially, if your labor is being utilized fully, but your machines are not, then it’s a good indication that you need to hire. Conversely, if your labor is not fully utilized the way you would like, you may need to make some process changes (cross training, restructuring of activities, etc...)
  • Percentage of Unlabeled Downtime: As mentioned above, in order to be effective with your data, you must actually use it to improve your systems. That’s why it’s important to have complete context about why machines go down with downtime labeling. KPIs around the percentage of unlabeled downtime empowers your team with the data they need to make real improvements. When they go to look for the next project to start, it’s obvious what to do next.

Annual Meeting Agenda

  1. Determine relevant KPIs using Amper data
  2. Use Amper reports to set the current state and determine the goal for the end of the year
  3. Outline the path for each quarter (this can be revised later)
    1. Who should attend?

    2. All Area Managers/Directors (Engineering, Operations, Maintenance)
    3. General Manager (GM)
    4. 💡
      Useful Amper Reports for this meeting 1. Last Year’s Utilization Summary 2. Last Year’s Executive Summary

Annual Goal Examples

Annual True North Goal

To help guide discussions, you can use the True North Tracker for this meeting. We’ve included some True North KPIs in the examples below.

At the top of this table, you’ll see the current state for Utilization, Paid Labor Utilization and Unlabeled Downtime. Underneath, you’ll see the future state or the annual goals for these KPIs. By the end of the year, this factory wants to be at 50% Utilization, 95% Paid Labor Utilization, and 10% Unlabeled Downtime.


Quarterly Milestones Outline

During this meeting, you’ll not only want to set the end-of-year goal, but you’ll also want to outline the path to reach those goals with quarterly milestones.

You can fill these milestones out in the True North Tracker, to paint a picture of how you’ll need to progress over the year. These can be adjusted at the start of each quarter as needed.

At the end of each quarter, fill out the results. Red and Green color coding make it easy to see what goals were hit vs. missed. For example, in the picture below, you’ll see that Utilization numbers were hit in Q1 and Q4, but missed in Q2 and Q3.

Using Amper to Set Quarterly Milestones

After your annual goals have been set, you’ll need to set up a schedule of quarterly meetings. In these meetings, the internal teams will review how the end-of-year goals are progressing and determine the necessary strategies to hit the next quarterly milestones.

Quarterly Meeting Agenda

  • Review last quarter’s strategies and milestones to see if goals were met.
    • Why or why not?
  • Review last quarter’s top downtime reasons
  • Set the strategy statement for this quarter
  • Set 3-4 Key Results
    1. Who should attend?

    2. All Area Managers/Directors (Engineering, Operations, Maintenance)
    3. General Manager (GM)
    4. 💡
      Useful Amper Reports for these meetings: 1. Year to Date Utilization Summary 2. Year to Date Executive Summary 3. Last Quarter’s top Downtime Breakdown

      Quarterly Milestone & Strategy Examples


      In the True North Tracker, you’ll see a table to input the top 3 downtime reasons. As you can see in this example, for Q1, the top reasons are unknown because no one has been downtime labeling yet.


      The quarterly Strategy Statement clearly states what the focus for this quarter will be.


      The Key Results demonstrate how success will be measured at the end of the quarter. Key Results can be milestones that directly reflect the True North KPIs or they could be related to other projects.



      After a concerted effort of downtime labeling in Q1, the top 3 downtime reasons are reflected below for Q2.


      The quarterly Strategy Statement clearly states what the focus for this quarter will be. It was decided that focusing on the top 2 reasons will be most important, as there is not enough time to work on the third reason.


      For Q2, the three Key Results are shown along with the “reduce time waiting on quality” initiative and “SMED Event” project.



      After working on “Waiting on QC” in Q2, it is no longer among the top 3 downtime reasons for this quarter. The new 3 top reasons are “Setup”, “No Operator”, and “Lunch/Break”.


      The quarterly Strategy Statement clearly states what the focus for this quarter will be. After doing a impact/effort matrix, it was found that “Lunch/Break” was a better project to work on over “No Operator” as it required less effort. So the focus for Q3 will be on “Setup” and “Lunch/Break”.


      The top 5 Key Results for this quarter are listed below.



      With 2 quarters of work on improving “setup”, it has now dropped off from the top reasons for downtime. Below is the list of new reasons this quarter.


      This Strategy Statement clearly states that for Q4, it is time to focus on the “No Operator” downtime reason.


      Q4 is always short with all of the holidays, so only one extra project has been added to the Key Results for this quarter.

Setting Monthly Projects & Initiatives

In addition to annual and quarterly meetings, you’ll need to set a cadence to meet monthly. In monthly meetings, your team will review the progress of the quarter milestones and decide the projects/initiatives needed to hit them.

Monthly Meeting Agenda

  • Review last month’s projects.
    • What worked? What didn’t?
  • Review the Key Results for the quarter.
    • Are we on track?
  • Decide what needs to be done this month to hit the Key Results
    1. Who should attend?

    2. Individual Project Team Leads
    3. All Area Managers/Directors (Engineering, Operations, Maintenance)
    4. 💡
      Useful Amper Reports for these meetings: 1. Quarter to Date Utilization Summary 2. Quarter to Date Executive Summary 3. Last Month’s Top Downtime Breakdown

      Monthly Project Examples for Q1


      New projects need to be set each month. In the True North Tracker, there is an area to fill out these monthly projects. In this example, Q1 goals are to roll out downtime labeling, do 5S in all 4 areas of the plant, and implement shop-floor visual management tool across the factory. The plan is broken down into monthly projects below. At the end of the month, the team does an RCA (Root Cause Analysis) to determine what went well and what went wrong.



      In February, the monthly projects include a rollover project from January— “Set up operator interfaces in areas 1 & 2”. In doing so, there was not enough time to finish the final objective—deploying shop-floor visual management tools.



      For this example, March only had 3 necessary projects to complete to close out the quarter.

Tracking & Managing weekly Activities

To ensure monthly projects are on track, individual teams should get together each week to sync up on project statuses and blockers. This is where action plans can be created to track individual tasks per person.

Weekly Meeting Agenda

  • What was planned to be done since last meeting?
  • What was actually done?
  • What are the new issues/blockers? What can we do to clear them?
    1. Who should attend?

    2. Individual Project Teams (Engineers, Maintenance, Supervisors, Operations)
    3. 💡
      Useful Amper Reports for these meetings: 1. Utilization Summary for the week before 2. Downtime by machine for the week before (highlighting unlabeled downtime)
Reviewing Data in Daily Huddles

In order to ensure all projects, Key Results and annual goals are on track, it’s necessary to review data with the team daily. It helps create accountability and align the team with organizational objectives. In doing so, you’ll effectively communicate your expectations to the team and it allows you to provide assessments based on actual facts (the data)—not opinions.

Daily Huddle Meeting Agenda

  • Review metrics from the day before
    • Utilization/Downtime: which machines hit their goal, which machines missed?
    • Unlabeled Downtime: label any unlabeled downtime from day before during this meeting
      1. Who should attend?

      2. Supervisors and Operators
      3. 💡
        Useful Amper Reports for Daily Huddles: 1. Utilization by machine for the day before 2. Downtime by machine for the day before (highlighting unlabeled downtime)


      Data is great, but it’s only powerful if you use it. If you ever feel like your data journey has slowed down or lost steam, it’s always best to return this play book and evaluate your company’s data review structure. How can you ensure you are using your data daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly? After all, companies who incorporate Amper data into their KPIs are more likely to succeed.

With Amper, you can use some of the tools provided to create visualization and inform your employees of your progress.

are a great way to show everyone how you’re doing as a team on a daily basis, and recurring reports can be scheduled and sent to team members, so they have multiple resources to track how they’re doing.

Check out the Reports and Dashboards area in the

page for more information!

Address Non-Adherence

Non-adherence is difficult to deal with, but it must be addressed for successful culture change. For these cases, team members that are not adhering with the new structures, processes, or practices usually have reasons for not following. This is where the second “C” of Communication comes into play again. Be available and open to your employees’ experiences, because your change initiative often affects their work.

Amper customers who leave space for open feedback and communication loops accomplish two things:

  1. Establish trust
  2. Expand potential for better solutions

By asking why someone is or is not doing what is asked of them, you are opening a channel for constructive dialogue. Listening to your employees can establish a culture of trust and is often mutually beneficial.

Since operators are the experts of their processes, often times they have the best resource for improvement ideas. If you never take the time to hear their experience, you are actively preventing collaboration and are limiting the potential for a best solution.

If the individual still is not adhering, then speaking with them offers you the chance to share your “why” and remind them of the potential impacts of the change, and how they can play a role in it.

Celebrate Wins and Best Practices

This is one of the simplest things you can do as a Change Manager, but is often overlooked and not even considered in change initiatives. If you have employees that exemplify best practices that aid the change you are looking for, let your entire team know and reward them for it! These rewards can look like an “Employee of the Month” parking spot closest to the building entrance, company merchandise, monetary rewards, etc.

How you celebrate wins and best practices is completely up to you, but the benefits of simply acknowledging desired performance is one of the most effective ways to encourage change.


If you take a moment to reflect on past experiences with change management, whether initiated by you or someone else, the ones that are not executed well often lack at least one of the 3 C’s. Each factor goes hand in hand, and are very effective in creating guidance and structure during change management.

We strongly suggest sharing this with your team, as the 3 C’s themselves point out the effectiveness of pursuing change management together.

The link to a downloadable PDF presentation is below, and if you have any further questions you can contact your Amper CSE.

Amper Adoption - 3 C's.pdf859.8KB