Machine Showing Off or Lost
Machine Showing Off or Lost

Machine Showing Off or Lost

If your machine is showing only Off or Lost in your Amper dashboard but you expect to see production data, this may be a sign that our devices are not properly transmitting data to our system. Below you will find links to the articles that will guide you through diagnosing hardware related issues.

An off machine will be
An off machine will be red
A lost machine will be
A lost machine will be grey

Examples of a machine showing only off (left) and lost (right).

Troubleshooting Flow Chart

Click here to download the flowchart
Connectivity Troubleshooting.pdf3630.8KB

Gateway Troubleshooting

Gateway Not Connected to System - Cellular

Gateway Not Connected to System - Wi-Fi

How to Improve Gateway Reception

Aggregator and Sensor Troubleshooting

Aggregator Not Connected

Sensors Not Collecting Signals