Getting Started with Amper

Getting Started with Amper

Congratulations on finishing your Amper Installation. We’re excited for you to get started on your data journey. If you’ve just installed your units, the Amper team now needs to calibrate the devices to your machines. This calibration period is essential for us to ensure data accuracy, so while you wait for calibration to complete, here are the first steps to take to prepare for the road ahead. In the meantime, we will begin by going over what success looks like with Amper then dive into ordering outposts.
8 Reasons for Factory-Wide Amper Adoption

When first deploying Amper, many customers understandably want to test the solution out on a smaller scale. You may only have Amper installed on a few machines, but have more assets that have yet to be connected.

If you want unified data, it may be time to consider connecting the rest of your machines. But you may be asking yourself, “is it really worth my time?”

In this article, we’ll dive into reasons why factory-wide Amper adoption is worth it—creating value by consolidating and streamlining your operations moving forward.

🔀8 Reasons for Factory-Wide Amper Adoption

This Article walks you through parts of the Onboarding phase of this plan!

Installation and Adoption Timeline

Tasks to Get Started With Amper

Internal Tasks

Assign Roles
Champion: Person responsible for setting the direction for the team.
Project Owner: Person responsible for installation and adoption of the product.
Purchase Operators Interfaces if needed or not done already (tablets or computers for data entry)
Purchase monitors for visual management displays (ScoreboardsScoreboards)
Purchase barcode scanners if desired
Amper System Setup
Set up Shifts
Add Users
Create Machine Groups
Create Downtime Reasons
Generate Operator Interface Codes
Set Up Other Data if Applicable (more advanced)
Part Numbers
Operator List
Setup Steps
Maintenance Plans

Tasks with Amper

Have a Product Overview Call with your Customer Success Manager to review all capabilities and determine how you’ll use the system at first.
Set up a Training Plan and get trained on desired features
Call Team
Downtime Labeling
Tally Sheets
Have a Goal Alignment Call with your Customer Success Manager to create a 30/60/90 day Success Plan.
Have a System Settings Call with your Customer Success Manager to set up the key Settings before Go-Live.
Have an Onboarding Call with your Customer Success Manager.
Create a new communication plan with your CSM. We recommend bi-weekly calls for the first 2 months.

Tips to Drive Success

We want you to have a successful Amper implementation!

From our collective industry experience and the success stories from some of our customers, we have identified 3 factors that are imperative to accomplishing Change Management. Check out the article below on the 3 C’s of Change Management.

📢Amper Adoption: The 3 C’s of Change Management

🔑  5 Keys to Success - The Amper team took a look at which customers were maximizing their use of the system, and found 5 key factors that played a role in a successful implementation and overall adoption.


1. Engaged Champion

A Champion for the project at a high level (plant manager) who looks at the data and pushes the team on Amper goals

2. Project Owner vs. Champion

The main project owner is not that same person at a high level– the high level person just doesn’t have the time

3. KPI Integration

Amper Utilization or OEE data incorporated into plant KPI’s– looked at daily/weekly

4. Data Entry Enforcement

Operations Supervisor or Leads are involved in using data and making sure it’s entered

5. Recurring Meetings

Recurring meetings with the CSM to train, understand best practices, and get updates on new features


Helpful Links

Amper App (administration and reporting)

This is where to can find codes for dashboards/scoreboards and operator interfaces in (settings > outposts)

Operator Interface (where operators input data)

Enter in your Operator Interface code to gain access

Scoreboards (for Visual Management)

Use a Dashboard code to gain access

Easy Navigation 🧭