Start Using Amper Tactically

Start Using Amper Tactically

Table of Contents

Installation and Adoption Timeline

This article walks you through parts of the Adopt the System phase of this plan!

Adoption Checklist.xlsx95.4KB

Internal Tasks

Set up a reporting structure: who gets what, when?
Annual Report
Quarterly Reports
Monthly Reports
Weekly Reports
Daily Reports
Set up an internal meeting cadence *If you already have an internal meeting cadence, add Amper KPIs to existing meeting cadences
Annual Goal Setting Meeting
Quarterly Strategy Meetings
Monthly Project Meetings
Weekly Reviews
Daily Huddles
Set up ScoreboardsScoreboards
Roll out 2-5 Call Teams Call TeamCall Team

Tasks with Amper

Have a Reactive Tools Training Call
Call Team
Have a Reports and KPI Integration Call
Have a Data Check Call
Have a Data Digest Call

🪜First Steps! Start Using Amper Tactically

🥇Recommendations for First Projects

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