Goals Terminologies
Goals | Goals are given a name, a set of Targets , and sometimes a Job.
You can set up Goals before work begins or make them on-the-fly as you’re starting work.
Creating Goals means that you can see your current status, how you’re performing against your Targets , and if you’re likely to meet your desired completion date.
They are a way of tying Tally sheets together and allow you to quantifiably track the status of a particular body of work. |
Body of Work | Some quantity of parts to make, by a certain date, on a certain machine, with a set of “Targets”. |
Targets | Your desired:
Cycle Time
Part Quantity
End Date |
Progress | The comparison of your Target Metrics against actual metrics. This information is displayed on Tablets and Scoreboards. |
Jobs | A way of grouping of Goals . Jobs do not have targets.
Given 3 Goals, 100 Tires, 50 Tubes, and 1000 Spokes, a user could create 1 Job , called 50 Bicycles to tie the goals together |
Page Details
Search Function
You may use the search function to type the goal name, machine name, or job name to locate goals more easily.
Show Closed Goals
You may use the “Show Closed Goals” checkbox to show goals that have been closed down for each machine. You may edit a goal after it has been closed out this way.
Show Jobs
You may use the “Show Jobs” checkbox to manage jobs. Checking this box will allow you to add, edit, or delete jobs more easily.
Adding Goals
To add goals manually:
- Click the “Add Goal” button at the top right of the page
- A window will pop up as shown below.
- Enter in the goal name
- Enter the job name
- Pull what part number is associated to the goal
- Your Parts need to be added to the system ahead of time. Add parts in the Parts setting area of the app.
- Add the machine this goal is scheduled to run on (this is not required)
- Enter the Targets (Good Parts, Utilization, Cycle Time, End Date)
- Add any notes
- Set the status to either opened or close
- Closed Goals are hidden from the Operator Interface. If you close a goal that is currently being worked on, it will stay active through the current shift.
Upload CSV
To mass upload goals you will use the upload CSV option. See more information here CSV Upload.
Goals Prep Checklist Option
Check out the interactive walkthrough below to see how the Goals Prep Checklist works (Watch the video and click Next)!
💻 Goals Page: 2nd Step!
View Goal Status
Each goal will show a status. This could be In Progress
, Ready
or Not Ready (X)
- In Progress means that the goal is currently active on a machine.
- Ready means that the goal is not yet active, but all prep is complete.
- Not Ready (X) means that the goal prep is not complete, and there are X number of tasks remaining. This number will change depending on how many prep steps are defined, and how many have been completed.
Complete Prep Signoff
Prep signoff is completed within each goal row in the Goals page.
Click the down arrow next to the goal status to view the prep steps.
When you have completed your prep task, check the box next to the relevant task, select your name from the drop down, and hit Save
You’ll see the status update based on the remaining prep tasks needed. Here, it changed from Not Ready (3) to Not Ready (2).
Filter by Incomplete Prep
Use the Incomplete Prep
filter to see which goals still require a specific prep task.
Click the drop down, and you should see all prep steps that were previously defined in the Prep Checklist.
Chose the prep step you’d like to filter for, and the goal page will return all goals that still require action for the selected prep task.
If you apply filters to the goals page and then load the scoreboard, the scoreboard data will also have those filters applied.
Other Goal Information
- You may close out goals on the Operator Interfaces
- You may view goal status on the scoreboards and Hour-by-hour boards
- You can track your progress on the Target Tracker Dashboard